
Pressalit WC-Sitze in verschiedenen Formen und Farben

Pressalit ist bekannt für hochwertige WC-Sitze, die zu jedem Geschmack, Badambiente und nahezu jedem WC in passender Ausführung angeboten werden. Sie zeichnen sich durch ästhetisches Design und eine überdurchschnittliche Produktqualität für langlebige Haltbarkeit aus. So haben Sie lange Freude an den Produkten. Doch damit nicht genug, Pressalit WC-Sitze erhalten Sie in einer großen Vielfalt, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, Toilette und Toilettendeckel ganz nach Ihren persönlichen Wünschen zu gestalten. Egal ob mit oder ohne Absenkautomatik, aus Holz oder Duroplast, in klassischer oder neu definierter Form, in neutralem Weiß oder modernem Schwarz – Pressalit WC-Sitze sind so individuell wie Sie selbst. Finden auch Sie bei uns im Badshop den passenden Pressalit WC-Sitz.

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  1. Pressalit Universal WC Sitz Scandinavia weiß 75000UN3999, Univertikalscharniere UN3, Edelstahl
    Pressalit 2000 WC 124000-UN3999 Univertical hinge UN3, Stainless Steel , white, with cover, standard
    instead of €129.22 **
    -41% You're saving €53.29
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  2. Pressalit WC-Sitz Calmo 556273D15999 pergamon, mit Softclose
    Pressalit WC seat Calmo 556273D15999 pergamon, with softclose
    instead of €178.35 **
    -41% You're saving €73.68
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  3. Pressalit ring buffer A4033 for pushing in, oval, gray
    Pressalit ring buffer A4033 for pushing in, oval, gray
    instead of €1.01 **
    -39% You're saving €0.39
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 10
  4. Pressalit Sway D2 WC-Sitz 994000DF4999 weiss, mit Absenkautomatik, Lift-off
    Pressalit Sway D2 WC seat 994000DF4999 white, with automatic lowering, lift-off
    instead of €206.80 **
    -40% You're saving €81.84
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  5. Pressalit spacer A7220 2 pieces, for seats without cover
    Pressalit spacer A7220 2 pieces, for seats without cover
    instead of €1.07 **
    -39% You're saving €0.42
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  6. Pressalit Dania WC seat 982273-B47999 pergamon, universal Stainless Steel B47, Stainless Steel , with cover, standard
    Pressalit Dania WC seat 982273-B47999 pergamon, universal Stainless Steel B47, Stainless Steel , with cover, standard
    instead of €219.34 **
    -41% You're saving €90.90
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  7. Pressalit WC-Sitz Scandinavia 75013UN3999 bahamabeige
    Pressalit WC seat Scandinavia 75013UN3999 bahama beige
    instead of €212.76 **
    -41% You're saving €86.70
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  8. Pressalit fixed Stainless Steel B33P999 Stainless Steel , for WC seat Magnum , assembly from below
    Pressalit fixed Stainless Steel B33P999 Stainless Steel , for WC seat Magnum , assembly from below
    instead of €35.44 **
    -41% You're saving €14.58
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  9. Pressalit WC seat 758273-D05999 pergamon, universal hinge D05, Stainless Steel , lift-off, with lid, automatic lowering
    Pressalit WC seat 758273-D05999 pergamon, universal hinge D05, Stainless Steel , lift-off, with lid, automatic lowering
    instead of €224.52 **
    -40% You're saving €88.94
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  10. Pressalit Scandinavia WC seat 75050-UN3999M jasmine, with cover, universal hinge UN3, Stainless Steel
    Pressalit Scandinavia WC seat 75050-UN3999M jasmine, with cover, universal hinge UN3, Stainless Steel
    instead of €256.11 **
    -41% You're saving €104.61
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  11. Pressalit 2000 WC seat 124273-UN3999 pergamon, universal hinge UN3, Stainless Steel , with cover, standard
    Pressalit 2000 WC seat 124273-UN3999 pergamon, universal hinge UN3, Stainless Steel , with cover, standard
    instead of €123.91 **
    -39% You're saving €47.98
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
  12. Pressalit WC seat 936000-DE4999 universal flex hinge DE4, Stainless Steel , lift-off, white, with lid, automatic lowering
    Pressalit WC seat 936000-DE4999 universal flex hinge DE4, Stainless Steel , lift-off, white, with lid, automatic lowering
    instead of €138.46 **
    -40% You're saving €55.57
    Incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs
    Available for order delivery time: 10-28 working days
    Shipping Cost Points: 100
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** Average Wholesale Price